Bermuda grass control in fescue

For some people, Bermudagrass makes a nice lawn. It requires little care or maintenance so is perfect for them. Others don’t like the invasive nature and the fact that it is only green during the warmest months, greening up late in the spring and going dormant...
Rubber mulch…NOPE!

Rubber mulch…NOPE!

Yes, it has great benefits in that it has been found to provide playgrounds a safer playing environment when children fall on it but… We’re not gonna sugarcoat it for you. WE HATE rubber mulch. It’s stupid and it stinks — literally. On a hot...
Aqua-One Pond Clarifier

Aqua-One Pond Clarifier

Aqua-One Pond Clarifier treats the cause of the problem, not just the symptom.   Aqua-One Pond Clarifier is fast becoming one of the top-selling pond clarifiers in America and the reasons are simple. It’s likely the strongest, most complex beneficial bacterial...
Fertilome Tree & Shrub Food

Fertilome Tree & Shrub Food

Tree & Shrub Food 19-8-10 with 5 essential Micro-Nutrients Including 1% Iron and 1% Sulfur 1. This is a special formula, specifically made for Trees and Shrubs. 2. It contains “Penetrating Action”, so there is NO need to dig holes, pound stakes or work...
Early Grassy Weeds

Early Grassy Weeds

information provided by ferti-lome ‘Info Sheet’ Mid to Late Spring We know that Crabgrass and other annual grasses come from a seed every year. They don’t germinate until the soil temperature gets warm enough. This is the only time of the year that you...
What’s Wrong with my Lawn?

What’s Wrong with my Lawn?

  by Melinda Myers, Milorganite horticulturist and gardening expert Your lush green lawn suddenly develops dead spots. You don’t have a dog, haven’t recently fertilized or sprayed a total vegetation killer on or near the grass.  Despite all your efforts to grow a...