Tree & Shrub Feeding
Tree And Shrub Food
With 5 Essential Micronutrients
Including 1% Iron and 1% Sulfur
With 5 Essential Micronutrients
Including 1% Iron and 1% Sulfur
• ferti•lome® Tree And Shrub Food is a unique formula, specifically made for trees and shrubs.
• It uses penetrating action” so there is NO need to dig holes, pound stakes or work into the soil.
• This “penetrating action” helps move the nutrients to the feeder roots, when applied to the drip line:

• The drip line is approximately 3 or 4 feet out from the outer most branches, (straight down). On a mature tree this area may be 6 to 8 feet wide.
• This is great for all types of trees including shade trees, fruit & nut trees, evergreens, citrus trees, tropical trees and palms.
• Use on all types of shrubs including flowering shrubs, evergreen shrubs, deciduous shrubs, tropicals and small palms.
• Not recommended for plants in containers
• Feed trees and shrubs twice a year. Although the label says not to apply in late summer, this is true, but in the Central Plains the actual BEST time to feed trees is in the fall after leaf drop, this application is absorbed and stored like winterizer; it will not cause a push of growth that will be killed by a freeze.APPLICATION:
SHRUBS: Spread 1/2 cup per sq. yd. of soil area.
TREES: Consult chart below. 20 lbs. will feed up to ten 4” diameter trees.
• It uses penetrating action” so there is NO need to dig holes, pound stakes or work into the soil.
• This “penetrating action” helps move the nutrients to the feeder roots, when applied to the drip line:

• The drip line is approximately 3 or 4 feet out from the outer most branches, (straight down). On a mature tree this area may be 6 to 8 feet wide.
• This is great for all types of trees including shade trees, fruit & nut trees, evergreens, citrus trees, tropical trees and palms.
• Use on all types of shrubs including flowering shrubs, evergreen shrubs, deciduous shrubs, tropicals and small palms.
• Not recommended for plants in containers
• Feed trees and shrubs twice a year. Although the label says not to apply in late summer, this is true, but in the Central Plains the actual BEST time to feed trees is in the fall after leaf drop, this application is absorbed and stored like winterizer; it will not cause a push of growth that will be killed by a freeze.APPLICATION:
SHRUBS: Spread 1/2 cup per sq. yd. of soil area.
TREES: Consult chart below. 20 lbs. will feed up to ten 4” diameter trees.

This message brought to you by our friends at ferti•lome®